Ornithologists in Training at the Mason Center

-Kendall Kroesen, Urban Program Manager

On February 5 and 6 Tucson Audubon's Mason Center hosted Dr. Renee Duckworth's University of Arizona ornithology classes. She brings them to the Center every year for hands-on training in ornithological field techniques.

First students do nest searches, recording data about nests of cactus wrens, verdins, woodpeckers and others. While they are doing that Renee and her assistants set up mist nets. When the students come back from the nest search they observe the removal of birds from nets, banding, and feather and blood sampling.

Here are some photos from the two days. Tucson Audubon is excited that the Mason Center can act as a training ground for university students.

Removing a House Finch from the net

At the banding table

A feather sample showing that only the tip of the feature is red

Measuring the banded bird

Taking a blood sample from a House Sparrow at the table

Blood sample archived on a card
